City lights they never fade

Första dagen på lovet
Ska snart iväg till Dellbys för släktmiddag ;D
Efter det blir det hem & snabbt göra sig i ordning för fest, blir nog helnice.

Frustrated, I'm jaded, I can't do anything at all. It seems like everything just repeating itself, it's a new day today they say . But I don't understand what's so different  from the other days it's just the same to me, and round and round it goes . Waking up at 6am. One blink and I might fall again to the floor and fade away . Someone there please take my hand. I wanna smell the air again, no demands I'm just hopefull. Lack of hope and inspiration everything is black. I'm famous allstar loser I'm faking all my luck. I wait and see what this time will bring to me
coz I'm a loser, we're all losers


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